Wisata Krakatau

optimaziont for blogger.jpgwisatawan ingin menyaksikan langsung Fenomena anak gunung Krakatau berada tepat di pesisir laut selat sunda banten, Panorama Anak Gunung Krakatau hanya berada diselat sunda Banten yang banyak memiliki keindahaan alam bawah laut untuk anda yang senang berpetualang menggunakan snorkling terdapat diarea anak gunung krakatau pantai carita anyer bisa ditempuh dengan mengendarai speed boat (Double Engines ) kurang lebih 1,5 jam dengan cuaca laut yang normal anda akan menemui betapa banyaknya keanekaragaman satwa indah bawah laut, serta lambaian trumbu trumbu karang dengan warna warni yang begitu menggoda mata anda semua, selain tempat wisata bawah laut yang menawan setiap wisatawan bisa mengabadikan diri dengan panorama anak gunung krakatau diatas puncak Gunung Krakatau. tak hanya itu saja yang anda dapatkan tak jauh dari area anak gunung krakatau anda bisa berwisata mancing mania jika itu salah satu hobby anda dapat ditemukan hanya dipantai carita pesona anak gunung terlihat jelas disetiap penginapan yang berada dipantai anyer serta pantai carita.
Krakatau pantai carita serta pantai anyer sama sama tempat akses paling mudah serta mudah mencari transportasi lautnya seperti boat fiber atau pun semi fiber semua mudah dan tersedia di kedua lokasi tersebut, harga tour ke pualau krakatau pun relativ murah di bandingkan dengan area pantai lain nya seperti tanjung lesung, lebih baik para wisatawan yang akan berkunjung ke gunung krakatau dari pantai carita serta anyer selain mudah mendapatkan boat nya akomodasi carita anyer pun tersebar serta mudah di booking.
Sejarah Meletusnya Anak Gunung Krakatau
Powerful historical eruption of Mount Krakatau 1883

Powerful historical eruption of Mount Krakatau 1883 - Having previously I have told history of Mount Krakatau , so for this occasion I will try to share knowledge to my friends all about the history of Mount Krakatau eruption Strikes 1883 .

Still imprinted in our memories a quarter century ago in 1883 how this devastating event occurred in the Sunda Strait . Krakatau eruption when it clearly illustrates how the forces of nature that afflicts the human race in this country . The blast was felt not only in Indonesia , even up to the rest of the world was also felt .

Mount Krakatau who was hung on the island of Krakatoa spewed his anger with the power of 200 megatons of TNT equivalent . Just so you know , the amount of TNT is equivalent to 13,000 times the Little Boy , the atomic bomb that crushes Hiroshima in Japan in 1945 . Really devastating .

Krakatoa blast awesomeness can be seen also from the number of deaths . A total of 36.417 people dying because amuknya , 165 settlements disappeared from the surface of the earth , and destroyed 132 villages devastated . Krakatoa eruption also triggered a tsunami that washed up on Hawaii and the U.S. West coast , a distance that for many people have never imagined before because so away . The ship was in South Africa is said to crashing because of the tsunami that comes from the tip of the island of Java .

There is another record set Krakatoa : sound blast was heard in the East Perth within 3,110 kilometers and the population on the west side in Rodrigues , Mauritius close to within 5,000 kilometers could hear a " sigh " Krakatoa . This means that about one-eighth of the planet could hear people raging devastating Krakatau .

After the explosion , the planet was covered dark ash that covered the atmosphere vulaknis . The sun can not penetrate the thick dust flew . Just so you know , Krakatoa spewed 25 cubic kilometers of rock and ash into the air . Well, as you like doomsday dong ...
Photos that adorn this entry is from the Illustrated London News published on 8 September 1883 ( you can buy a replica of the front page of the newspaper for $ 184 dollars on Amazon ) . Meanwhile in 1927 a mountain " menjebul " born of the former location of Mount Krakatoa . He called the Son of Krakatoa .

Harga Paket Tour Krakatau Menginap
Krakatau 2 days 1 night
@. Camp
@. Speed boat
@. Double engines
@. Snorkeling equipment
@. Permit
@. Food
@. Guide
@. Rp. 7500.000,-
@. Order min 4 / persons

Harga Package One Day Tour :

Rp. 4500.000,- / 6 person

@. Akomodasi hotel
@. Speed boat
@. Double engine
@. Long boat
@. Snack
@. Mineral water
@. Permit
@. Snorkeling Equipment
@. Guide